Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dear, Valued Members

The Executive Commissioner of the Scheduling & Planning Commission would like to inform valued BTS members that do to upcoming scheduling complications tastings will no longer be taking place on Friday. All future tastings will take place on Saturday. The Commission has sanctioned Saturday, 28 February 2009 at 8:00pm as the date of the next tasting.

The Director of the Research & Policy Coordination Directorate would also like to inform valued BTS members that an ad-hoc committee in the Office of the Chairman of the BTS Management Committee has been established to undertake a pre-feasibility study into the theme of the upcoming tasting. Themes under consideration are as follows;
  • 5 cent candies
  • Individually wrapped hard candies
  • Individually wrapped ice cream snacks
  • Crackers
  • Microwaveable entrees
  • Yogurt
All valued BTS members are asked to submit advice and recommendations through the secretary to the Director of Research & Policy Coordination as soon as possible.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

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