Friday, December 19, 2008


Dear, Valued Members

The first tasting of 2009 will take place on Friday 16 January 2009 at 7:30pm. After extensive research and subsequent debate, the culinary theme sanctioned by the Office of the Chairman of the BTS Management Committee is HOT POWDERED BEVERAGES.

Location: Same a usual.
Date: Friday, 16 January 2009.
Time: 7:30pm.
Guests: As usual all guest must be vetted by the BTS Management Committee or by a trusted senior member.
Usual rules apply: Members can only bring a themed item if it has been sanctioned by the BTS Management Committee.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society


  1. 5 cent candies - Great Idea!

    • Individually wrapped hard candies - Would take too long / Too sugary / Bad for the teeth / Sucking on things discourages talking
    • Individually wrapped ice cream snacks - ahh, I also like this idea.
    • Crackers - I love crackers, but they are somewhat bland and crackers are kinda meant to have stuff on them.
    • Microwaveable entrees - too difficult/annoying. And most tastings you think there will be a few decent tasting things even though there really aren't. With the microwavable entrees, you don't have that false preconception that there will be one that might taste good... cause they're gross.
    • Yogurt - Interesting... discriminates against the lactose intolerant people. It'd be easy to get though if you had those little shot glasses... just scoop in and get it out.

    May i also recommend that the next tasting be focused around the picnic table as opposed to the kitchen? Saturday is good.


  2. I'm feeling uneasy about the variety of powdered beverages used in your latest tasting event. I'm wondering if you might have overlooked the valuable elements of beverage purpose while synthesizing your analyses.
    I am also wondering if each of the powdered beverages were to be ingested while hot and why there were a lack of cold powdered beverages? Would the testing not have been better analysed in using similar purposed beverages noting different brands available?
    I vote for a tasting of breads concocted of various different flours, ie rice, corn, millot, gluten-free, etc.
