Monday, October 19, 2009


Dear Valued Members

The BTS Management Committee has sanctioned the release of the following information regarding the Tasting to be held on Saturday November 7, 2009 at 8:30pm. The Theme will be 5 CENT CANDIES. The Tasting will be a member’s choice event. The rules and regulations are as follows:

  • Members who wish to attend must RSVP by Thursday November 5th at 5:00pm
  • All attending members must bring at least one type of 5 cent candy (10 to 15 units each)
  • The attending member can use his or her discretion in their 5 cent candy choice. However, a by-law enforcement official with the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission will evaluate the eligibility of all submissions.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

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