The Chair of the Ice Cream Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the September 12th tasting. Seven ice creams were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each ice cream based on taste (50 points), texture (25 points), visual appeal (20 points) and packaging (5 points). The official results are listed below the pictures of the ice cream tasting.
The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:
1st 85/100 - President's Choice Loads of Caramel Cashew ToffeeBTS member quotes:
- Doesn't taste like real ice cream
- Tasteeeeeeee
- Well distributed
- Tastes really fatty ... good in small quantities
- Delish!!!!!!
- Every bite is different
- Very surprisingly light and delicious
- Good subtle ginger flavour
- Refreshing
- mmmmmm ... ginger
- Taste mouth-washy but surprisingly good
- Wonderful taste of ginger
- Palate cleansing
- Could eat lots
- Don't drink coffee
- More icy then creamy ... could have more coffee flavour
- Watered down
- Too watered down
- Tasty, simple, nice
- Cool, smooth, refreshing
- New font please
- Watered down but good in large quantities
BTS member quotes:
- Very nice
- Basic
- Bland packaging
- Looks like plastic
- Good refreshing watered down vanilla flavour
- Boring!
- Chemically
- Classic ... would be good with brownies
- Very, very interesting ... too sweet
- Jackfruit flavour disappears to quickly ... chucks of jackfruit are not good
- Fruity
- Like bad mango ice cream
- Taste like vomit ... sweet and gross
- Too subtle
- Not a fan
- Subtle flavour
- Very nice
- Seems to have real banana taste
- Odd bits of grit inside
- Okay ice cream texture
- Gross!
- Not very Bananay ... kind of gross
- It made me spasm ... it is gross
- No thanks!
- Dissapointing
- Awful!!!
- Like eating flowers and berries together ... odd
- Interesting taste
- Disgusting
- An unidentifiable taste
- Odd tasting ... yet I had to eat it all
- Too pink
- Super chemically
The Chair of the Ice Cream Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of ice cream a success.
Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society
Dude, where's the Cherry Garcia? That would have seriously whipped some sweet ass.