Monday, November 30, 2009


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Member's Choice 5 Cent Candy Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the November 7th tasting. 22 5 cent candies were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each 5 candy based on taste (50 points), texture (25 points), visual appeal (20 points) and after taste (5 points). The official results are listed below the pictures of the 5 cent candy tasting.

The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:

1st 88/100 - Gummy Fruit Salad
BTS member quotes:
  • Tastes healthy!
  • Does this count as my daily fruit intake?
  • Holy crap! These are good
  • Wow! Delish!
  • Meets my daily requirement of fruit
2nd 83/100 - Sour grapes
BTS member quotes:
  • Nice and sour, lots of flavour
  • I love these
  • Awesome!
  • Strong grape taste. Could use more sour taste
  • Yummy!
  • Great taste. Sticks on teeth
  • Sour!
3rd 82.5/100 - Sour coke bottles
BTS member quotes:
  • Not that sour. Sticks to teeth too much
  • Very delish!
  • Tastes like flat cola
  • Party in my mouth
  • Tastes like coke
4th 81.67/100 - Cola bottles
BTS member quotes:
  • Not as coke tasting as sour coke
  • Mmmm....coke
  • Not as good as sour coke
  • Yummy!
  • Enjoy
  • Tastes like coke too
5th 78.1/100 - Gummy eggs
BTS member quotes:
  • Seem very fresh
  • Delish apricot flavour
  • Totally cute
  • Peach or apricot??
  • Damn!
  • Surprising peachy taste
  • High in cholestorol
  • Yummy
  • Ewwww!
6th 76.9/100 - Big feet
BTS member quotes:
  • Nice
  • Mmmmm........
  • Classic
  • Too familiar but good
  • Sticks to teeth
  • Cherry yumi!!!
7th 76.1/100 - Sour watermelon slices
BTS member quotes:
  • disappears quickly
  • Yuck!
  • Sticks to my teeth
  • Watermelony!!!
  • A little to sugary, sticks to my teeth
  • Ewwww!!!
8th 75.5/100 - Sour sharks
BTS member quotes:
  • Taste grew as I chewed
  • Amazing look and delicious taste
  • I am chewing on plastic
  • Weird plastic taste
  • Fine
9th 74.1/100 - Gummy worms
BTS member quotes:
  • Could eat lots
  • Disappointing
  • Wish they were sour
  • Too much sugar
10th 72.8/100 - Finnish (not Swedish) berries
BTS member quote:
  • Not a lot of taste
  • Classic
  • Ordinary but good
  • From Norway
  • Sticks to teeth. Too sweet
  • Very Swedish!
1th 72.3/100 - Starburst
BTS member quotes:
  • A lot of strong lasting taste
  • Always a good one
  • A good oldie
  • Sticks to teeth
  • Yummy!
12th 67.3/100 - Marshmallow strawberries
BTS member quotes:
  • Disappears quickly
  • No!
  • Sparkly and sweet
  • Great strawberry taste
  • Better then expected
  • Good
  • Sugar!
  • Meh
13th 67.2/100 - Gummy army men
BTS member quotes:
  • Did not smell fresh
  • Bazookas were neat
  • Very creative shape
  • Apple after taste
  • Fun to play with
  • Apple!
  • Militaristic!
  • Taste like apple
  • Mmmm....
  • Green pucky colour
  • Mmmmm...RPG
  • Too chewy
  • Too sweet
  • Did not stick to teeth
14th 65.8/100 - Caramels
BTS member quotes:
  • High expectations, not as good as I remember. Grainy. Not a lot of taste
  • Grainy texture
  • A better tasting caramel flavour
  • At first tastes like meat
  • tasty
15th 60.6/100 - Caramel apple corn
BTS member quotes:
  • Not great!
  • Cancel production!!
  • Eww. Why does it disintegrate in my mouth?
  • Awful texture
  • Too small
  • Sugary!
16th 58.8/100 - Sour gummy bears
BTS member quotes:
  • Slurpee taste
  • Bad
  • Most disappointing
  • Kind of fake tasting
  • Not as good as you think
  • Awful after taste
17th 56.7/100 - Hot lips
BTS member quotes:
  • Eh.......
  • Cinnamon after taste
  • Cinnamon taste lasts long
  • I don not like anything cinnamon
  • You can substitute them for you real lips
  • Sticks to my teeth too much
  • Hot!
18th 55.3/100 - Nibs
BTS member quotes:
  • Lubcricated wax
  • Not as good as I remember
  • Slides of the teeth
  • Waxy
  • Good amount of sweet
19th 46.8/100 - Mackintosh toffee
BTS member quotes:
  • Lowest!
  • Sticks to teeth too much
  • Grainy!
  • Yucky!
  • Tastes like ear wax
  • Good taste, grainy texture
  • Tasty
20th 46.5/100 - Marshmallow bananas
BTS member quotes:
  • Too much negativity in the group on this one
  • Hate!
  • Disgusting!!
  • Looks are deceiving
  • Looks so pretty but too hard
  • Wow....
  • It lasted so long
  • Yummy taste
  • Sugar!
  • Kinda funky
21st 41.7/100 - Jelly tots
BTS member quotes:
  • Charcoal taste
  • WW1 gummy candy
  • Gross
22nd 27.4/100 - Fudgee rolls
BTS member quotes:
  • Too much work and no taste
  • Gross
  • Really bad
  • Good amount of sweet
  • Not feeling it
The Chair of the Member's Choice 5 Cent Candy Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of 5 cent candies a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting Society

Saturday, November 28, 2009


PRESS RELEASE – November 28, 2009

Dear, Valued Members

The BTS Historical Foundation, a volunteer supported division of the Broadview Tasting Society (BTS), announces the public release of never before seen archived photographs of the previously undocumented canned food tasting.

Senior Press Attache
BTS Historical Foundation

Monday, October 19, 2009


Dear Valued Members

The BTS Management Committee has sanctioned the release of the following information regarding the Tasting to be held on Saturday November 7, 2009 at 8:30pm. The Theme will be 5 CENT CANDIES. The Tasting will be a member’s choice event. The rules and regulations are as follows:

  • Members who wish to attend must RSVP by Thursday November 5th at 5:00pm
  • All attending members must bring at least one type of 5 cent candy (10 to 15 units each)
  • The attending member can use his or her discretion in their 5 cent candy choice. However, a by-law enforcement official with the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission will evaluate the eligibility of all submissions.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Ice Cream Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the September 12th tasting. Seven ice creams were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each ice cream based on taste (50 points), texture (25 points), visual appeal (20 points) and packaging (5 points). The official results are listed below the pictures of the ice cream tasting.

The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:

1st 85/100 - President's Choice Loads of Caramel Cashew Toffee

BTS member quotes:
  • Doesn't taste like real ice cream
  • Tasteeeeeeee
  • Well distributed
  • Tastes really fatty ... good in small quantities
  • Delish!!!!!!
  • Every bite is different
2nd 83.7/100 - Mapleton's Organic Ginger

BTS member quotes:
  • Very surprisingly light and delicious
  • Good subtle ginger flavour
  • Refreshing
  • mmmmmm ... ginger
  • Taste mouth-washy but surprisingly good
  • Wonderful taste of ginger
  • Palate cleansing
  • Could eat lots
3rd 74.1/100 -Ogranic Meadow Coffee Creme

BTS member quotes:
  • Don't drink coffee
  • More icy then creamy ... could have more coffee flavour
  • Watered down
  • Too watered down
  • Tasty, simple, nice
  • Cool, smooth, refreshing
  • New font please
  • Watered down but good in large quantities
4th 66.9/100 - President's Choice Cream First Vanilla

BTS member quotes:
  • Very nice
  • Basic
  • Bland packaging
  • Looks like plastic
  • Good refreshing watered down vanilla flavour
  • Boring!
  • Chemically
  • Classic ... would be good with brownies
5th 57.3/100 - Magnolia Jackfruit

BTS member quotes:
  • Very, very interesting ... too sweet
  • Jackfruit flavour disappears to quickly ... chucks of jackfruit are not good
  • Fruity
  • Like bad mango ice cream
  • Taste like vomit ... sweet and gross
  • Too subtle
  • Not a fan
  • Subtle flavour
6th 55/100 - Breyers Banana Cream Pie

BTS member quotes:
  • Very nice
  • Seems to have real banana taste
  • Odd bits of grit inside
  • Okay ice cream texture
  • Gross!
  • Not very Bananay ... kind of gross
  • It made me spasm ... it is gross
  • No thanks!
  • Dissapointing
7th 54.8/100 - Tropical Treets Rose Faluda Kulfi

BTS member quotes:
  • Awful!!!
  • Like eating flowers and berries together ... odd
  • Interesting taste
  • Disgusting
  • An unidentifiable taste
  • Odd tasting ... yet I had to eat it all
  • Too pink
  • Super chemically

The Chair of the Ice Cream Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of ice cream a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Dear, Valued Members

The BTS Historical Foundation, a volunteer supported division of the Broadview Tasting Society (BTS), has compiled a list of tastings which took place prior to BTS’ electronic documentation program. They are as follows:

  • Canned foods
  • Cereal
  • Lunch snack cakes
  • Non-vegetarian dried protein
  • Chips
  • Popsicles
  • Gum
  • Chocolate bars
  • Spreads
  • Baby food


Deputy Chief Archivist
BTS Historical Foundation

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Dear, Valued Members

The BTS Legal & Constitutional Affairs Committee, with advice from BTS' in-house counsel, has sanctioned the release of the theme for the upcoming tasting. The theme will be ICE CREAM. Please note this does not include sorbets.

The Executive Commissioner of the Scheduling & Planning Commission would like to inform valued BTS members that the next tasting will begin at 9:30pm instead of 7:30pm. The BTS Management Committee would like to extend its apologies for any inconvenience caused by the last minute schedule change.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Dear, Valued Members

After a long unscheduled summer hiatus the Executive Commissioner of the Scheduling & Planning Commission would like to inform valued BTS members that the next tasting will take place on Saturday September 12, 2009 at 7:30pm. Due to strict BTS requirements the theme of the tasting cannot be released at the present time. Please refer to section 13.1.3-C of the BTS constitution.

The BTS Management Committee would like to extend its apologies for the lack of summer tastings.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Individually Wrapped Meal Replacement Bar Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the February 18th tasting. 10 meal replacement bars were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each bar based on; taste (50 points), texture (20 points), visual appeal (20 points), packaging (5 points) and originality (5 points). The official results are listed below.

The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:

1st - 78.7/100 - President's Choice Trim Plan - BTS member quote "Taste sensation"

2nd - 77.9/100 - Luna S'mores Flavour - BTS member quote "I wish I was a women"

3rd - 74.6/100 - Slimfast Optima - This 225 calory meal bar is chalky and delicious!

4th - 71.1/100 - Pure Protein Marshmellow Eclipse - A late entry but a solid score.

5th - 63/100 - Nutribar Original - BTS member quote "Definite improvement over the blueberry flavour"

6th - 58.5/100 - Nutribar Fruit & fibre - Mmmm ... fake blueberry taste!!

7th - 54.9/100 - Organic Food Bar - BTS member quote "So much potential..."

8th - 42.8/100 - Nutrilean Express Waffle & Berry - BTS member quote "A good concept, poor execution"

9th - 36/100 - Life Shapers - The packaging says it all.

10th - 31.1/100 - Ultra Meal Bar Rice - BTS member quotes "Taste like Play-Doh". "The nerve of them to make a bar like this."

The Chair of the Individually Wrapped Meal Replacement Bar Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of the meal replacement bar world a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society