Dear, Valued BTS Members
The Chair of the Individually Wrapped Meal Replacement Bar Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the February 18th tasting. 10 meal replacement bars were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each bar based on; taste (50 points), texture (20 points), visual appeal (20 points), packaging (5 points) and originality (5 points). The official results are listed below.
The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:
1st - 78.7/100 - President's Choice Trim Plan - BTS member quote "Taste sensation"
2nd - 77.9/100 - Luna S'mores Flavour - BTS member quote "I wish I was a women"
3rd - 74.6/100 - Slimfast Optima - This 225 calory meal bar is chalky and delicious!
5th - 63/100 - Nutribar Original - BTS member quote "Definite improvement over the blueberry flavour"
6th - 58.5/100 - Nutribar Fruit & fibre - Mmmm ... fake blueberry taste!!
7th - 54.9/100 - Organic Food Bar - BTS member quote "So much potential..."
8th - 42.8/100 - Nutrilean Express Waffle & Berry - BTS member quote "A good concept, poor execution"
9th - 36/100 - Life Shapers - The packaging says it all.
10th - 31.1/100 - Ultra Meal Bar Rice - BTS member quotes "Taste like Play-Doh". "The nerve of them to make a bar like this."
The Chair of the Individually Wrapped Meal Replacement Bar Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of the meal replacement bar world a success.
Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society