Thursday, September 30, 2010


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Pickled Items Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the September 23rd tasting. 12 pickled items were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each pickled item based on: taste (50); after taste (10); texture (10); smell (10); visual appeal (10) and packaging (10).

The official results are listed below the pictures of the pickled items tasting.

The BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and the BTS Audit Board have sanctioned the public release of the results of the pickled items tasting. They are as follows:

1st 80.4/100 - Chili Radish by Kimlan

BTS member quotes:
  • Chili hides the pickle
  • Give me more
  • Awesome!
  • I had seconds!
  • Good
  • Promising
2nd 73.8/100 - Pickled Sliced Beets by Bick's

BTS member quotes:
  • Wicked eh!
  • Sweet smell
  • I had seconds.......
  • mmmm...beets
  • Yum
  • Mom would be happy
3rd 65.4/100 - Pickles by Mikado

BTS member quotes:
  • Quality control problems
  • Not my favourite
  • Corn beef please!
  • Bland and offensive. The Dupont Street of pickles
  • Not as good as it looks
  • Average
4th 63.2/100 - Mat Kimchi by Chongga

BTS member quotes:
  • Looks like dead fish
  • Korean workers unite!
  • Looks like rotting lasagna
  • Fake
  • Not bad
5th 60.4/100 - Herring in Dill Marinade by Abba of Sweden

BTS member quotes:
  • Better than fish
  • 6 million Swedes cannot be wrong ... can they?
  • Yuck
  • Not as good as Swedish berries
  • Nice smell
6th 58.2/100 - Pickled Leeks by Lotus Brand

BTS member quotes:
  • symmetrical garnishes!
  • Gwersee!
  • Smells like my dentist
  • Eww!
  • disappointing
7th 57.4/100 - Tangy Trunips by Toorshi Foods

BTS member quotes:
  • Need meat!
  • Horseradish in this circumstance is way out of line
  • If you like horseradish it is not bad
  • Ehh!
  • Roast beef
  • Get rid of the horseradish
  • Shit.......
8th 52.7/100 - Capers by Unico

BTS member quotes:
  • Where is the smoked salmon?
  • Factory smell, farm fresh flavour
  • Salty!
9th 52.4/100 - Pickled Garlic Flower by August's Harvest

BTS member quotes:
  • Don't roll over tonight
  • This could have been much worse
  • Not as good as Korean ones

10th 51.0/100 - Pickled Pattypan Squash by an unknown Moldova based manufacturer

BTS member quotes:
  • I can taste the iron curtain
  • Bad after taste
  • It looks like a dead body
  • Baby heads!
  • Looks bad and goes down bad
  • Looks stupid
  • Not horrible
  • Brain
11th 36.1/100 - Fresh Turmeric pickled in Brine by Deep Foods

BTS member quotes:
  • Ewww!
  • Woody, a bit like varnish
  • Unpleasant
  • Looks like Hickory Sticks
  • Sucks!
  • Wow, it sucks!
  • Oh fuck!
  • Bad!!!
  • Nasty!
12th 18.6/100 - Pickled Prune by Pat Chun International

BTS member quotes:
  • Eyeballs
  • I am Chinese and it is gross!!
  • The low point of the night
  • GROSS!!!!
  • Everything except good
  • Too salty
  • The long history of famine in China explains this
The Chair of the Pickled Items Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all valued BTs members who made the culinary exploration of pickled items a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting Society

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Dear, Valued Members

The Executive Commissioner of the Scheduling & Planning Commission would like to inform valued BTS members that BTS will be holding its first ever weekday tasting on Thursday September 23, at 8pm. The theme will be PICKLED ITEMS. Members are invited to bring one PICKLED ITEM of their choice if desired.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Monday, February 22, 2010


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Instant Soups Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the February 6th tasting. 13 instant soups were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each instant soup based on taste (50 points), texture (20 points), visual appeal (20 points), after taste (5 points) and packaging (5 points). The official results are listed below the pictures of the instant soup tasting.

The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:

1st 75.75/100 - Beef Express

BTS member quotes:
  • Blah.....
  • Decent.
  • Shit, those were good noodles.
  • Thumbs up.
  • Salty.
  • Pleasing flavour.
  • Tastes like the instant noodles I remember.
  • Packaging boring.
  • Noodles suck!
2nd 72.75/100 - Knorr Cream of Leek

BTS member quotes:
  • Tastes fishy.
  • Not a strong leek flavour
  • Not super , but not bad.
  • OK.
  • Eh.
  • My first leek experience, not bad.
  • Not sure about his one.
3rd 72.33/100 - Kikkoman Red Miso

BTS member quotes:
  • Exotique packaging.
  • Yum!
  • Very tasty.
  • Great!
  • I can taste the red!
4th 70.33/100 - Nile Spice Sweet Corn Chowder

BTS member quotes:
  • Not horrible.
  • Corny!
  • Suprisingly sweet.
  • Very nice.
  • Yum, nice sweet corn flavour.
  • Very corny.
  • Blah....
5th 65.93/100 - Grace Fish Tea
BTS member quotes:
  • Like airplane soup.
  • Needs noodles.
  • Tastes like chicken.
  • It is nothing like fish tea. What is fish tea?
  • Looks like bad jello.
  • Chickeny!
  • Not going to happen.
6th 64.56/100 - Grace Cock Soup

BTS member quotes:
  • Salty, not creamy.
  • I love cock.
  • One spicy cock; nice!
  • Colour is disturbing
  • Salty and spicy like bar nuts.
  • Spicy!
  • Tasty!
  • The best cock I have ever tasted.
  • Bonus points for the name
7th 58.69/100 - Lipton Cream of Chicken
BTS member quotes:
  • Yummy.
  • Boring package.
  • Okay... but not too creamy.
  • Gross.
  • The colour was offensive.
  • Why so gelatinous?
  • Gelatinous not creamy.
  • Does not smell like chicken.
  • Too gelatinous.
8th 58.31/100 - Red Soup
BTS member quotes:
  • Tomato sauce?
  • Too tart.
  • Fizzy texture and too thick
  • Airplane tomato sauce.
  • Watered down tomato sauce
  • Better than expected.
  • Yuck!
  • Does not look red.
  • Good for airplanes!
  • Too thick
9th 57.50/100 Lipton Beef vegetable

BTS member quotes:
  • Blah.
  • Lacks noodleness.
  • Has nothing on beef express.
  • Meh.
  • Tastes a little burned.
  • Salty.
  • Noodles suck!
10th 55.83/100 - Lipton Spring vegetable

BTS member quotes:
  • Eh.
  • Bleh.
  • Blah.
  • Artificial tomato taste.
  • Quite respectable.
  • No thank you.
  • Not sure.....
11th 54.56/100 - Kikkoman Wakame Soup

BTS member quotes:
  • Ewwwww.
  • Exotique.
  • Sesame seeds are a nice touch
  • Too fishy.
  • After tastes hangs around.
  • Nice.
  • Pungent.
  • Really fishy.
  • Wacky!
  • Swampy.
12th 52.38/100 - Taste Adventure Sweet Corn Chowder

BTS member quotes:
  • Looks Gross.
  • Too thick.
  • More split pea than corn chowder.
  • Good quality.
  • Tastes like peas and potatoes.
  • Looks like baby puke!
  • Did you find this on the floor of a bar?
  • Good ingredients not good taste.
  • Tastes like mash potatoes.
13th 43.83/100 - Mama Sita's Mung Bean Soup

BTS member quotes:
  • Smell fishy.
  • Is not bad.
  • Seems to thick.
  • Weird looking.
  • N/A.
  • Most disappointing.
  • Not environmentally friendly.
  • Mung!
  • I am out.
The Chair of the Instant Soup Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of instant soups a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting Society

Monday, January 11, 2010


Dear, Valued Members

The Executive Commissioner of the Scheduling & Planning Commission would like to inform valued BTS members that the next tasting will be held on Saturday February 6, at 8pm. The theme will be INSTANT SOUPS. Members are invited to bring one INSTANT SOUP of their choice if desired.

Please RSVP by 31 January to confirm your attendance.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting society

Monday, November 30, 2009


Dear, Valued BTS Members

The Chair of the Member's Choice 5 Cent Candy Follow-up Committee would like to thank all the valued BTS members who attended the November 7th tasting. 22 5 cent candies were tasted, discussed and evaluated. 100 points were allocated for each 5 candy based on taste (50 points), texture (25 points), visual appeal (20 points) and after taste (5 points). The official results are listed below the pictures of the 5 cent candy tasting.

The official results tabulated by the BTS Independent Evaluation and Adjudication Commission and reviewed by the BTS Audit Board have been sanctioned for public release. They are as follows:

1st 88/100 - Gummy Fruit Salad
BTS member quotes:
  • Tastes healthy!
  • Does this count as my daily fruit intake?
  • Holy crap! These are good
  • Wow! Delish!
  • Meets my daily requirement of fruit
2nd 83/100 - Sour grapes
BTS member quotes:
  • Nice and sour, lots of flavour
  • I love these
  • Awesome!
  • Strong grape taste. Could use more sour taste
  • Yummy!
  • Great taste. Sticks on teeth
  • Sour!
3rd 82.5/100 - Sour coke bottles
BTS member quotes:
  • Not that sour. Sticks to teeth too much
  • Very delish!
  • Tastes like flat cola
  • Party in my mouth
  • Tastes like coke
4th 81.67/100 - Cola bottles
BTS member quotes:
  • Not as coke tasting as sour coke
  • Mmmm....coke
  • Not as good as sour coke
  • Yummy!
  • Enjoy
  • Tastes like coke too
5th 78.1/100 - Gummy eggs
BTS member quotes:
  • Seem very fresh
  • Delish apricot flavour
  • Totally cute
  • Peach or apricot??
  • Damn!
  • Surprising peachy taste
  • High in cholestorol
  • Yummy
  • Ewwww!
6th 76.9/100 - Big feet
BTS member quotes:
  • Nice
  • Mmmmm........
  • Classic
  • Too familiar but good
  • Sticks to teeth
  • Cherry yumi!!!
7th 76.1/100 - Sour watermelon slices
BTS member quotes:
  • disappears quickly
  • Yuck!
  • Sticks to my teeth
  • Watermelony!!!
  • A little to sugary, sticks to my teeth
  • Ewwww!!!
8th 75.5/100 - Sour sharks
BTS member quotes:
  • Taste grew as I chewed
  • Amazing look and delicious taste
  • I am chewing on plastic
  • Weird plastic taste
  • Fine
9th 74.1/100 - Gummy worms
BTS member quotes:
  • Could eat lots
  • Disappointing
  • Wish they were sour
  • Too much sugar
10th 72.8/100 - Finnish (not Swedish) berries
BTS member quote:
  • Not a lot of taste
  • Classic
  • Ordinary but good
  • From Norway
  • Sticks to teeth. Too sweet
  • Very Swedish!
1th 72.3/100 - Starburst
BTS member quotes:
  • A lot of strong lasting taste
  • Always a good one
  • A good oldie
  • Sticks to teeth
  • Yummy!
12th 67.3/100 - Marshmallow strawberries
BTS member quotes:
  • Disappears quickly
  • No!
  • Sparkly and sweet
  • Great strawberry taste
  • Better then expected
  • Good
  • Sugar!
  • Meh
13th 67.2/100 - Gummy army men
BTS member quotes:
  • Did not smell fresh
  • Bazookas were neat
  • Very creative shape
  • Apple after taste
  • Fun to play with
  • Apple!
  • Militaristic!
  • Taste like apple
  • Mmmm....
  • Green pucky colour
  • Mmmmm...RPG
  • Too chewy
  • Too sweet
  • Did not stick to teeth
14th 65.8/100 - Caramels
BTS member quotes:
  • High expectations, not as good as I remember. Grainy. Not a lot of taste
  • Grainy texture
  • A better tasting caramel flavour
  • At first tastes like meat
  • tasty
15th 60.6/100 - Caramel apple corn
BTS member quotes:
  • Not great!
  • Cancel production!!
  • Eww. Why does it disintegrate in my mouth?
  • Awful texture
  • Too small
  • Sugary!
16th 58.8/100 - Sour gummy bears
BTS member quotes:
  • Slurpee taste
  • Bad
  • Most disappointing
  • Kind of fake tasting
  • Not as good as you think
  • Awful after taste
17th 56.7/100 - Hot lips
BTS member quotes:
  • Eh.......
  • Cinnamon after taste
  • Cinnamon taste lasts long
  • I don not like anything cinnamon
  • You can substitute them for you real lips
  • Sticks to my teeth too much
  • Hot!
18th 55.3/100 - Nibs
BTS member quotes:
  • Lubcricated wax
  • Not as good as I remember
  • Slides of the teeth
  • Waxy
  • Good amount of sweet
19th 46.8/100 - Mackintosh toffee
BTS member quotes:
  • Lowest!
  • Sticks to teeth too much
  • Grainy!
  • Yucky!
  • Tastes like ear wax
  • Good taste, grainy texture
  • Tasty
20th 46.5/100 - Marshmallow bananas
BTS member quotes:
  • Too much negativity in the group on this one
  • Hate!
  • Disgusting!!
  • Looks are deceiving
  • Looks so pretty but too hard
  • Wow....
  • It lasted so long
  • Yummy taste
  • Sugar!
  • Kinda funky
21st 41.7/100 - Jelly tots
BTS member quotes:
  • Charcoal taste
  • WW1 gummy candy
  • Gross
22nd 27.4/100 - Fudgee rolls
BTS member quotes:
  • Too much work and no taste
  • Gross
  • Really bad
  • Good amount of sweet
  • Not feeling it
The Chair of the Member's Choice 5 Cent Candy Follow-up Committee would like to extend its appreciation to all the valued BTS members who made the culinary exploration of 5 cent candies a success.


Permanent Chief Secretary
Media Relations Directorate
Broadview Tasting Society